Tuesday, June 11, 2024
HomeHealthy tipsTips that help to lower your risk of stroke: Brain Health

Tips that help to lower your risk of stroke: Brain Health

How to cure ourselves form Brain stroke,

A stroke, sometimes called a brain attack, occurs when something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. In either case, parts of the brain become damaged or die. A stroke can cause lasting brain damage, long-term disability, or even death. As we know body health is very crucial for living a good life. So, we should do some kind of exercises or follow some nutrition diet if we want to make your body work properly. One of the most trending or serious disease for our body health is Brain stroke. Brain stroke is very serious diseases, there are some tips that will surely helps to cure our body from brain stroke.

Tips that help to lower your risk of stroke: Brain Health

According to the Indian Stroke Association, the incidence of strokes in India has surged by 100 per cent over recent decades. In fact, stroke now ranks as the second leading cause of death in the country. Approximately 1,85,000 strokes occur annually in India. Equating to nearly one stroke every 40 seconds and one stroke-related fatality every four minutes.

Healthy Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Brain Stroke,

Dr Srikanth H S, Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Jindal Naturecure Institute shared some of the natural ways to mitigate the risk of stroke which as as follows;

  • Regular exercise – Regular exercise plays a pivotal role in positively influencing key risk factors associated with stroke. It effectively contributes to the reduction of both blood pressure.
  • Take good sleep – Emerging research underscores the significant correlation between subpar sleep quality and heightened stroke risk.
  • Avoid smoking – cigarette smoke has a detrimental effect on blood, increasing its propensity to clot that effects directly on brain.
  • Manage diabetes – Elevated blood sugar levels can lead to damage in the blood vessels, increasing the likelihood of clot formation.

These are some tips that we should follow if we want to preserve our body from serious diseases like brain stroke and other ailments.

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